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1000 Pastel Sketches

Joana Carvalho

Atualizado: 26 de out. de 2021

I have started a big project of trying to make 1000 pastel sketches. It might not be a very realistic number, but I still want to give it a go and see how far I get with it.

I thought this would be fun in several ways: I get to use up my pastels, and therefore I clear the space to buy new ones that I want to try out; I use up my paper, particularly sketch paper, which I've accumulated over the years; and lastly I improve my art style (hopefully!) in a medium that I love.

Pastels in particular, land themselves to sketching and expressiveness, and they are the perfect blend medium between drawing and painting.

So far I've only reached 27 sketches, but I only started roughly a month ago, so actually it's good progress. I've also included some old sketches and I am posting them right here.

Thanks for stopping by!



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