During these last two months I have ordered a few new supplies that I have been curious to try out. The first one was a fountain pen. I really enjoy drawing with a dip pen, but in the sofa an open jar of black ink is really not a good idea, so I thought a good substitute would be a fountain pen. So I got myself this Lami Safari, with an extra-fine tip and ink converter, so I can use ink and not just cartridges'.
I have made quite a few sketches with it already, with the ink that comes with the pen, which is blue. It feels really nice on the hand and it's very easy to draw with, and now I can actually sketch in the sofa with ink, without worrying that I'll spill something.
I have also acquired some new printmaking supplies that I am excited about. I ordered some supplies to try out plate lithography - chinagraph pencil and a charbonnel crayon to make the drawing on the polyester litho plate, together with a few push knives to mix ink and some greyboards to make collagraphs.
I have ordered also Hawthorn Stay Open Ink Burnt Umber, a new etching tool, some paper drypoint plates (Enviromount) and a ternes burton registration tabs and pins, which will hopefully allow me to register my prints in a better way.
I have also ordered some new watercolors for my birthday from Jacksons' since I had already tried a few tubes and really liked them. These are artists watercolors, not student grade, and they are sold at a very reasonable price. Searching online, I have watched quite a few people comparing them with Sennelier artist watercolors. I really like them and do recommend them, specially if you want affordable artist watercolor paint.
I am really liking setting up my own watercolor palette, with colors that I choose, since until now, I have only had watercolor palettes with "set-up" colors - I have a White Nights palette (36 full pans) and a Cotman (12 half-pans). There is still space to add two more full-pans, and this also leaves space to put in easily two medium sized brushes, which makes this a great set to travel with.
I had bought some years ago 6 base colors from Jackson's - lemon yellow, cadmium yellow, alizarin crimson, venetian red, ultramarine and prussian blue, in tubes of 21 ml. I have filled in 2 full pans with these tubes, and I still have a lot of paint left in them, so these will definitely last a really long time.
Then, these last weeks I got: yellow ochre, burnt sienna, warm sepia, cobalt blue, hooker's green and permanent magenta, but in 10 ml tubes. These will probably fill 2 full-pans maximum, which is still pretty good.
I have gotten also a few mounted linoleum blocks (75 by 75 mm). I have been thinking about a future project for these and that's in the works right now.
Thanks for stopping by!